Thursday 11 September 2008

Senators Schumer and Menendez Unqualified for Office

Inevitably, just when you think that it is impossible for anyone come up with anything more preposterous that what has already been proposed, someone proves you wrong. Disgustedly I am reading Senators Ask Fannie, Freddie to Freeze Foreclosures.
U.S. Senate Banking Committee members urged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the mortgage companies placed under federal control this week, to freeze foreclosures on loans in their portfolios for at least 90 days.

"This action would provide immediate relief to many homeowners" and let the companies "turn these non-performing loans into performing assets to minimize losses," Senators Charles Schumer, Robert Menendez and other panel Democrats said today in a letter to the companies and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which is overseeing them under the government conservatorship.
I may be proven wrong but the economic asininity of those statements is unlikely to be topped, ever.

If one could turn non-performing loans into performing assets by halting payments, why not just stop collecting mortgage payments everyone in the county? Every loan would be current and think of all the money consumers would have to buy things. Of course taxpayers would be immediately on the hook for a mere $5 trillion, but who cares about small details like that?

Senators Charles Schumer, Robert Menendez, and any other fool who signed that letter is unqualified to be in Congress. It is as simple as that. I urge everyone to vote against Senators Charles Schumer and Robert Menendez the next time they are up for reelection. They are an economic disgrace to the country and unqualified for public office.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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