Monday 22 September 2008

Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota Wimps Out

Senator Tim Johnson has just announced he has no concern for the US, only concerns for those from South Dakota. From Senator Tim Johnson.
Thank you for contacting Senator Tim Johnson�s office.

Due to the high volume of email traffic our office receives, we no longer accept incoming email. Instead, we ask that South Dakotans use our office�s web form to communicate their thoughts and concerns to Tim. Please click on the link below, or enter the following address into your web browser:

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause South Dakotans, but hope that it will help us serve you better in the long run.

Why are we doing this?

Our office receives an extraordinary amount of email from people who do not live in South Dakota, have no ties to our state, and are simply "spamming" every U.S. Senator, often as part of an organized campaign to disrupt Senate services. Tim�s top priority is communicating with South Dakotans, but out-of-state email campaigns, efforts to "overload" the Senate email system, viruses, and other problems have made it more difficult to receive and respond to messages from South Dakotans. We hope that use of a web form will serve as a "filter," helping us focus our efforts on the service we provide South Dakotans.

What about South Dakotans serving in the military?

South Dakotans who are stationed abroad with the military, a foreign service, religious organization or charity undoubtedly will have a South Dakota address that is "home." Please enter your South Dakota address into the web form, and be sure to include your mailing address (such as an APO, FPO, address on a military base in another state, etc.) in the comments section of the web form. We will be happy to direct a response to your actual mailing address, but first we need to know that you are a "real" South Dakotan with a real South Dakota address, even if you no longer live here.
Senator, I am a "real" U.S. Citizen. It might behoove you to act like one yourself and put your country first in this time of economic crisis that affects us all.

If you live in South Dakota, please send him this message.

You may also wish to consider if he is worthy of your vote.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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